A discussion with London designer Yakubu about his brand Inside Ideas and his new online boutique store Psyched Inventory.

"I felt like it was time to kind of put down that flag and state that this is something new"
Can you explain your rebranding?
I’ve come to a point in my creative journey where I felt like the stuff I was making didn’t align to what I wanted to make. So I kind of took some time out to work out what that was, and develop the skills to be able to do that. By the time I got to that point I didn’t feel like I resonated with the brand that I built previously. Inside Ideas is definitely a continuation of Creations but was so different I felt like it was time to kind of put down that flag and state that this is something new and this is what I’m sure of going forward with with.
As far as the name goes, Inside Ideas is primarily based off of ideas that are close to me but I guess my perspective on the world is built by everyone around me so you could say it’s inspired by my peers too.

How would you like your brand to be perceived and experienced?
I’d like it to be perceived as genuine and for everyone. If someone can smile when looking at the clothes or be intrigued in some way that’s enough for me.

Who is your target audience?
I think 18 to 30. Although people who bought my clothes range from 10 to 50+ so I guess it is for everyone.

Who are your inspirations?
Charles James, Samuel Ross, and Isamu Noguchi.

What can we expect next?
In the near future, new prints, dying methods and colors. For the distant future I’m currently exploring homeware and toys.

"There’s never been a time with this low amount of barriers to entry"
How do you view the fashion scene?
It’s absolutely amazing, there’s never been a time with this low amount of barriers to entry and it’s really allowing people of different backgrounds and with different ideas to be able to explore them, express them and then share them. The downside to this is that sometimes it can feel quite diluted, however people are very able to distinguish good design and it’s shows in the amount of success over time.

Can you explain Psyhced Inventory, how it came about and how it's going?
Stefan and I started Psyched Inventory as an online boutique store for primarily Japanese vintage streetwear, however all pieces interest us and we don’t specifically get pieces from Japan. It came about through a feeling that there wasn’t access to the garments we wanted in the vintage market for a fair price. We wanted to curate a store that we actually liked all the clothes and could showcase them so that more people could learn, understand and if they wanted to buy the clothes.
It’s hard to tell how it’s going at the moment as there’s still a feeling of beginners luck however if you ask me in a few more months I might be able to give you a more concrete answer.
The best part of it is being able to learn about these iconic designers. Having a store where we could engage with people learn together and see the pieces in real life would be a delight.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?
I’m working on a final collection for Uni which is a lot more experimental. It’s in its early stages and there’s a lot of development so I don’t think it’s a good time to talk about this. Hopefully I’ll get the opportunity to discuss this with you when the time is right.