Imi - Illustrator & Animator
I don’t like to be passive. My work visits an augmented world of my own creation in which I explore our basic human narratives along with our struggles. Often my work results in a response that is political or socially engaging.
A lot of my work is centred around mundane human behaviour; some of my earliest pieces being driven by my observations of a lack of human connection between myself and others. Personally, I’m fascinated by our relationship to others and the world around us. Humanity is such a complex thing so I never run low in areas to explore.

“We are the first generation that knows that we’re destroying the world”

A short comic I am currently crafting explores themes of extinction, pollution and loneliness. This may sound dreary, but I like to explore the issues which are perhaps a little undocumented.
Within illustration, often the turnover of work can be speedy. For example, I might think of an idea and within 5 hours have a completed piece. I worked like this for years, until I decided that I wanted to explore narrative and character development, which lead me to creating a much longer narrative, a 30 page comic for example. This has been a really valuable lesson to me, as spending months world-building and character crafting teaches you a diligence and fine eye for a successful narrative. You have to be extremely patient to execute this process, something you can only learn through trying, but I think it’s possibly the most valuable challenge I’ve set myself so far in my career. I am currently crafting my first debut comic.

Collaborating is a really important part of my practice. I have collaborated with Fashion Designers, Photographers, Videographers, 3D Designers, Graphic Designers, Charities and Musicians to create really exciting work.

Alongside Illustration, I am gradually building my animation skills and am aiming to create my first animated short film this summer.
I thrive when working with other creatives, and despite my work as an Illustrator being highly independent I love involving myself in creative communities. I involve this in my practice as Social Media Manager and Creative Consultant for Cortex Creatives. This involves the curation of digital platforms, bi-monthly challenges, digital artwork and event organisation; our recent event being a Panel Talk and Networking Event under the theme of ‘Privacy’ with panelist’s Masterpeace, Joel Smedley and Charli Cohen. I work alongside the Co-founders, Writers, Project Managers and Videographers to execute diverse and engaging projects for our site and community which is continuously building.